Friday, June 18, 2004

It's All About Them

There's nothing more amusing to me than observing my two bundles of joy grow and develop. A lot of people of say that my daughter is my exact copy even when she makes faces. They call her little Lora. I call her LJ (Lora Junior for short... hehehe). Her personality, though, is the exact opposite of mine. She's bubbly, always smiling, and seldom has bad moods. Well... I am not bubbly, at least not that bubbly. I try to smile, and I will have these moods maybe once a month (when my visitor is coming *lol*). Lately, it's like everything that these people say is true. I don't know if I should call my daughter a loner ... well maybe she just enjoys older people's company. Last weekend, there was a little get together in the house. All her cousins were there... and I tell you when they meet, they stick to each other. Abi would stick to them for a little bit then little by little would later be in the company of her grandma or aunt. I keep telling her to go and play with her cousins. She would oblige but only for a little time then come back to her own thing of discovering things. I don't really see anything wrong about it... it just makes me think... it makes me see myself with a little bit of that "anti-social" personality. I don't know why I don't easily feel comfortable with people, maybe because I can secretly tell the aura of a person the moment I talk to him or her. I don't know, it's just it always turns out that my gut feeling is true. I can also tell if a person is genuine or not just by shaking hands with them. I am not a psychic nor a fortune teller. It's something I probably have developed over the years trying to look from the top.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say is that my two kids are everything to me. Ganuon pala pag nanay ka na... you think of them first. You let them eat first even if you have nothing to eat later. You make sure they are comfortable when they sleep even if you have to sleep at the very edge of the bed just to make sure they have enough space. You wake up countless nights when they cry. You can't stand to hear their cry, you got to get up and check what's wrong... even if it's 2:30 in the morning and you are very sleepy and you have work in the morning, too. A lot of sacrifices on the parent's part. But I don't have regrets. It's ok if I can't go to the movies for now or wake up late on weekends. I think I would die if I loose them. *Sniff*


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